Main forum for discussion of Genealogy topics across the Counties and elsewhere.

Moderators: grangers14, admin, Northern Lass


Postby admin » Sat Oct 11, 2008 3:20 pm


This site is intended for a wide ranging target audience. We have no desire to impose unnecessary rules and restrictions however, some may be necessary to ensure the site is enjoyable and accessible to all. Wherever possible therefore, please adhere to the following guidelines when posting:-

Please avoid posting content which may cause offence to others.
Some word filtering is in place to replace profanity, and this will be revised on a regular basis. The board administrators will monitor content, and accounts may be disabled in extreme cases should users post in a manner likely to cause offence to others.

When posting surnames of interest, please CAPITALISE surnames. This is common practice in genealogy circles, and helps to avoid the confusion of place, first and surnames


To help keep the board tidy, please amend any completed lookup requests, or discussions which have reached a conclusion so that the subject line reads "COMPLETED". This will allow us to move the thread to the archive (no on-topic posts will be deleted in case they're needed later for reference) so that main forum threads are kept fresh and get maximum interest from new site users.



Please be aware that the software licenses for many CD Rom and similar census resources specifically state that they may only be used for personal or private research. Please consult all relevant software licenses before posting offers of assistance in this forum.



Just to let you know that you can now add your primary surname interests to your account, which will show up in your profile when viewed by other users. If enough users start making use of this feature, I'll look to -
a) add a search function so you can easily scan other users interests for matches with your own
b) add a feature to produce a search engine optimised user interests list.
The latter should hopefully mean that the forum will appear high in Google and other search engine results for terms such as "Smith genealogy" or similar, in turn bringing more fellow researchers to the site.

In addition to this, there is also now a field where you can enter the areas in which you are mainly researching. Again, this may be used to add extended functionality to the forum at a later date. The exact format to use in this field isn't fixed as yet, so use it as you see fit for now

Finally, could I please ask that everyone consider adding their locality in the profile "Location" field. I'd recommend entering your county here, although you can always be more specific if you wish. If you're at all concerned about privacy (which, in reality, probably isn't too much of a concern unless you've got a really unique surname!) could I ask that you consider entering an approximate area, ie. "Black Country" or, worst case, even just "UK" or similar? Doing this will allow others to see where the people they're helping are located and post advise accordingly. It's much easier to suggest that someone visits a record archive if you know it's reasonably close by and, conversely, users can consider going a bit further out of their way to help if they know the other user is abroad, etc.

All of these profile fields can be edited by going to the "User control panel" via the link in the page top bar, then clicking the "Profile" tab.



A few people have mentioned not receiving email notifications to PMs, or having to repeatedly check a box when posting to receive email notifications when a follow-up is posted. Both of these options can be controlled within the individual user's board preferences.

PMs: Go to "User Control Panel" (top left of page), select the "Board Preferences" tab. In Global Settings, there's an option marked "Notify me on new private messages". Set this to yes to get notification by email when you receive a new PM.

Posts: To set email notifications for new post follow-ups by default, go to "User Control Panel" (top left of page), select the "Board Preferences" tab. Click "Edit posting defaults" in the left hand menu and you'll see an option marked "Notify me upon replies by default". If this is set to yes, the posting checkbox will be checked whenever you post a follow-up.

If you ever have a query regarding a function or facility on the board, this will probably be covered within the FAQ, which can be found at faq.php, or by following the FAQ link in the top right of forum pages.


All census information (England/Wales) is Crown Copyright, from
Dominic webmaster and administrator
Site Admin
Posts: 81
Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2003 7:10 pm
Location: Cambridgeshire

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