Boot and shoe makers.

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Boot and shoe makers.

Post by Kleftiwallah »

I'm researching my family and on the paternal side they all seem to be in the boot and shoe trade.

1841 census - Robert OAKES Shoe maker and his three sons William, George and Henry all shoe makers.
1851 census - William OAKES (his son - the elder) Master boot maker employing 3 men and 1 boy.
Could there be his brothers?
1861 census - William OAKES (the younger) Master boot maker.
1871 census - William OAKES Master boot maker.
1881 census - William OAKES Master boot maker.
All in the Camberwell area of Surrey.

In birth certificates it has been "Hand sewn boot maker" and rumour has it that one made orthopeadic boots for a large London Hospital.

Anyone have any information on the Guild managing this trade?

Cheers, Tony.
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Re: Boot and shoe makers.

Post by SRD »

I don't know anything personally bur a quick google using shoe maker guilds as the search term and limiting the search to the UK turned up quite a few hits that might be worth investigating.
Currently investigating the Hillmans of Sussex.
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Re: Boot and shoe makers.

Post by Kleftiwallah »

Tried that and it is ongoing.

Tried the Guild of Master Craftsmen and got the b*m's rush. :cry: "We've only been in business 40 years". They didn't even have the decency to offer anywhere else to try.

Cheers and thanks for the suggestion. Tony.
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