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A British Band of Brothers - Second World War diary

PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:07 pm
by paulcheall
I thought members might be interested in an article I have written for Your Family History magazine (UK). It is depicted as:
"A British Band of Brothers
Paul Cheall shares his father's experiences in the Second World War, as he searches for comrades."
The magazine is out now and the fascinating article includes several passages from my Dad's memoirs, together with photos of dead or surviving comrades which I am having mixed success in trying to chase, with some very poignant moments. More info about the magazine here -
My Dad, Bill Cheall, was a batman, despatch rider, No 1 on Bren and mortar at various times and fought in bloody episodes at Dunkirk, North Africa, Sicily and was in the first wave landing on Gold Beach on D-Day, ending his war in devastated Hamburg in the regimental police. You can read more about his war diary at this link -

Best wishes

Re: A British Band of Brothers - Second World War diary

PostPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 9:32 am
by apowell
Hello Paul,

I've added the website regarding your father's wartime experience in our useful website section (second world war-Soldiers war stories).

It's a wonderful website about your father and many thanks for sharing this with us.

Please everyone take time to look at this website.

All the best.