Benjamin Pitt in India

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Silver surfer
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Benjamin Pitt in India

Post by Silver surfer »

Have been told he enlisted at Netherton 6 March 1884 service no 41704 Royal Artillery. Served in India 18 Sep 1884 to 2 Nov 1891, home 3 Nov 1891 then to Army reserve 8 Nov 1891 with pension. Final discharge 5 Mar 1896. What would he have been doing in India and where was he between Mar-Sep 1884. If he was in 3rd battalion Worcs before being deployed where can I find his records?
Researching Foley, Burley, Dean, Danks, Smith, Pugh, Hughes, Shakespeare.
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BC Wench
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Re: Benjamin Pitt in India

Post by BC Wench »

His records can be found on Find My Past.

Enlisted 6 March 1884 at Hereford. Joined the Royal Artillery at Liverpool on 11 March 1884.
Final Medical Examination: 10 March 1884 at Shrewsbury

8 Mar 1884 Liverpool
20 Apr 1884 Norwich
8 May 1884 Landguard Fort (Felixstwoe, Suffolk)
19 Sep 1884 HMS Crocodile landed Bombay 22 Oct 1884

There's a lot of info on the internet of why British troops were in India during that time, rather than me trying to explain it.

By husband's great grandfather was in the Boer War during the 1880s and he also went on to India to serve in the British Army.
Silver surfer
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Re: Benjamin Pitt in India

Post by Silver surfer »

That's great, thank you so much for your time. He must have been a tough nut to stand all those years on duty.
Have been told that after his wife died in 1916 he was asked to leave the family home at Darby End and he walked to Gloucester Road, Hounslow, Middlesex to live with his twice married daughter where he died in 1930. Wonder how long it took him :roll:
Researching Foley, Burley, Dean, Danks, Smith, Pugh, Hughes, Shakespeare.
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