Thomas Doyle, 8th Hussars

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Thomas Doyle, 8th Hussars

Post by mde »


I am looking for service records for my grandmother's father who fought in both the Boer and Great Wars and gave 'Aldershot' as his residence on his 1906 marriage certificate (in 1911 though he was a civilian in Dublin). His service numbers were 4783 or 45237. I found a sign up for the Connaught Rangers Reserves in 1899 on FindMyPast but my grandmother always says he was in a cavalry regiment and there is a photo of him which must date from the Great War when he is in uniform and carrying a riding crop. I presumed his records were part of those lost in WWII but recently asked again on a dedicated military forum and someone said there were pension records available for him on Ancestry. I have tried to renew my subscription to them but the system asks me to check my details but they are correct. I also tried Paypal and it seemed to work through them but then reject on Ancestry. I notice in the last few days Paypal has become unavailable on Ancestry and direct debit is the only other option. I wonder if they are having problems with their payments company. I emailed three times but never get a reply. I would love to see these records and if anyone one would be kind enough to send them I would be most grateful.


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Re: Thomas Doyle, 8th Hussars

Post by spes123 »

I am having the same issues with paying ancestry

on FMP there is a sign up paper where a Thomas Doyle of St Peters Parish in Athlone County Roscommon is "transferring" form 5th battalion Connaught Rangers to the 8th Hussars to be in the corps of the hussars of the line. dated 16th January 1900.
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Re: Thomas Doyle, 8th Hussars

Post by SRD »

There are certainly records under service no 4783 but there are about 15 pages of it. Can you get to a public library where they have Ancestry?
Currently investigating the Hillmans of Sussex.
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Re: Thomas Doyle, 8th Hussars

Post by mde »

I live in Belgium and unfortuately the public libraries here don't subscribe.
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Re: Thomas Doyle, 8th Hussars

Post by grangers14 »

Can you try a free trial on Ancestry?
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Re: Thomas Doyle, 8th Hussars

Post by mde »

You need to get it to accept a card to do that ...
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