A - Z of Certificates on offer to our members

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Northern Lass
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Joined: Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:12 am
Primary Surname Interests: Hinett, Rose, Round, Shakespear, Wilkins,
Primary Geographical Research Areas: Black Country, Wiltshire, Newcastle upon Tyne

A - Z of Certificates on offer to our members

Post by Northern Lass »

The following are Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates that are kindly on offer by members to other members.
( some may only be supplying information only).

Do have a look and contact that member should one be of interest to you.
Furthermore, if you have any that you would like to offer post in this section and we will include it.

nb once included your post will be deleted.

CERT TYPE .............................................................................CONTACT __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ALPORT, Mary b 24 Dec 1837 - .................................................................Farside
A Portway, Rowley - daug Mary Alport (no father)

BAKER, John Edward
born 23rd october 1905
of 188 heath street birmingham, parents were joseph baker and mary baker formley brimble................georgemichaelbaker

BATE, Annie ............................................................................... JudyTeen
Cert for Annie Bate - GRO Vol 06c Page 10 DUDLEY
Birth in 1894 District Dudley, sub district Rowley Regis in the county of Stafford.
3rd August 1894-at Hyams Hill W.S.D.-Annie Girl -to Samuel Harry Bate-Mother Clara Bate nee Brazier-Father labourer at brickyard
Registered by Emma Bate (present at birth) on 7th August 1894

BEECH, Sarah b 1 Sep 1837 - 2 A.M........................................................... Farside
Bilston - daug Benjamin Beech and Ann Williams

BRAYSHAW , Alfred b 7th August 1888, ..................................................... writer-ros
29 Crown Lane, Manchester, St. George
Father: John BRAYSHAW Leather currier &
Mother: Elizabeth BRAYSHAW, formerly TAYLOR

BRINKLEY, Rodney, b 1913......................................................................Sue
in a caravan in Edmonton, Middlesex,
son of Jobey and Caroline formerly Turner, They were travellers.
I'm happy to scan and email it if anyone wants it.

DAVIS, Elizabeth b March 1881...............................................................Len636
Should any one be interested I would need to know some details which would verify your
connection to this lady before relinquishing this certificate.

FAULKNER. Edward b 24 Sept 1844............................................................Annie
Rowley Regis - son of William Faulkner & Hannah Jones

FAULKNER, Mary Ann b 4 Jan 1847 ...........................................................Annie
Blackheath Rowley Regis - dau of Joseph Faulkner (nailer) & Mary Ann Harris

FAULKNER Richard b 6 May 1886................................................................Annie
Dudley - son of Richard Faulkner & Mary Bradley

FAULKNOR Thomas b 6 June 1872...............................................................Annie
Windmill End - son of John Faulkner & Isabella Bradley

GOULD James ---October 1852 Birth : James Gould, father John: mother Hannah (nee Thomas),
Father's occupation: Labourer; Droitwich, Claines, Worcs ................................................Wickens001

HAWKins Christopher John b 3rd April 1944 at 2 Durham Road, West Ham b]Hogster[/b]
Son of Iris Flora nee Hull

HAYNES, Arthur, b 21 FEBRUARY 1880 .. Alan_Haynes

HEATH Albert ---July 1875 Birth: Albert Heath, father William; mother: Emily (nee Wilson?),
Father's Occupation: Jeweler: Birmingham; St.George, Warwicks..........................................................Wickens001

HEMMINGS, Samuel b 10 Jun 1861.............................................................Farside
Jew's Lane, Upper Gornal - son of Edward Hemmings and Mary Hartill

HEMMINGS, Thomas b 10 Dec 1851 ............................................................Farside
Sherbourn St, Birmingham - son of William Hemmings and Ann Barnet

HOMER Samuel.digital certificates from GRO Born on 7 July 1838 at Two Lanes End, Cradley.
Samuel, boy-Mother - Sarah Homer, Nailer-The mark X of Sarah Homer, mother of Two Lanes End, Cradley.-
9th July 1838 - D Hazelwood, Registrar..............................................................................Waltzer7

JONES, Elizabeth b 10 March 1881 ............................................................ Farside
Halesowen Rd, dau of Harry Jones and Jane Whelding

JACKSON, Rose, b , 25 JULY . Alan_Haynes.

JONES, Elizabeth b 13 Nov 1881 -...............................................................Farside
15 Prospect Rd, Gornal Wood - daug of Martha Jones (no father)

LLOYD William b 13th June 1900.................................................................. kiansmom
15 Little Bloxwich Lane Walsall - son of Thomas Lloyd and Elizabeth Grant

LOWE, Emily b 10 Jan 1858 .....................................................................Farside
Smiths Lane, Kingswinford - daug of Gideon Lowe and Rebecca Allen

LOWE, Jane b 10 Sep 1853......................................................................Farside
Dudley Port, Tipton - daug of William Lowe and Hannah Banam

LOWE, William b 25 Dec 1876............................................................... Farside
61 Chapel Street, Wallbrook, Sedgley - son of John Lowe and Priscilla Jones

MERRICK, John b 29 Dec 1845.................................................................Annie
Swan Village, West Bromwich - son of John Merrick & Elizabeth Baker

MERRICK, Christoper b 25 March 1861........................................................Annie
Park St, Oldbury, - son of Thomas Merrick & Ann Bennett

MOORE GEORGE HENRY b 5th July 1859................................................... kiansmom
New St Oldbury - son of William Harrison Moore and Jane Harper

WORTON Elizabeth born 18 July 1854......................................................Boz
Ruiton, Upper Gornal, Sedgley
Parents: Thomas Worton & Elizabeth Worton (Formerly Woodall)


ASTON Isaih James & WHITEHOUSE Mary Ann
29th March 1875 Dudley - fathers Isaiah ASTON/ Edward WHITEHOUSE.................... Kiansmon

BAKER Frederick & WHITEHOUSE Rebecca
13th Jan 1878 Sedgley - fathers Benjamin BAKER/ George WHITEHOUSE......................... kiansmom

2nd May 1915 Rushall stafford fathers Joseph BULLOCK/John BLAKEMORE................ kiansmom

28.09.1863 St.James Dudley
30 B Boatman Dudley John Faulkner Caster
33 W Dudley John Smith Engineer -
Witness:J Westbury- ..................................................................................Annie


30.01.1860 Parish Church Dudley
Full B Nailer Dudley Joseph Faulkner Nailer
Full S Dudley No father named
Witness:James Westwood /Fanny Willets ............................................................Annie

GREY, Pheobe

29.06.1857 St.Edmonds Dudley
Full W Miner Dudley Deceased
Full W Dudley Deceased
Witness:Hannah Grill Witness:James Gill ..............................................................Annie

I (can't make out) HUGHES and PERRY,Ann
of this Parish Bachelor
by licence
the Twenty eigth day in the year One Thousand eight hundred and thirty seven,
in the presense of Daniel Hughes and (can't make out).
note by Alice "Just because I can't make out some things if you know who you are looking for the name will look familiar. Anyway, I have given several certificates to people that really appreciated it and thats a good thing.
Hope these will register with someone. "------------------------------------------------------------------........Alice H

JONES Joseph & and WILKES, Sarah Jane
bachelor aged 23, Ironworker residing at Ettingshall, father Richard JONES
spinster aged 21 also residing at Ettingshall, father Joseph WILKES
dated Dec 9th 1883
The witnesses were William JONES amd Sarah JONES
and the marriage took place at Holy Trinity Church, Ettingshall, Stafford.................................Poppygirl

2nd April 1888 OLDBURY fathers William MOORE/ John HAWTHORN.......................... kiansmom

NICKLIN Joseph & PARISH Florrie
15 September 1934
Dudley, Staffordshire . (catholic Marriage) pmtay

NICKLIN Thomas & PLANT Alice May
31st October 1923
Dudley, Staffordshirepmtay

27th Dec 1907 Sheffield - fathers John PEMBERTON/ Thomas McARTHUR ................... kiansmom

TITLEY, Absalam and HUDDOCH Mary
of this parish( Sedgley )
Bachelor - Spinster were married by Banns the twenty seventh day of February in the Year One thousand eight hundred and Thirty seven. in the presense of William Huddoch and Harriat (can't make out)----------------------------------...............................-Alice H

Tromans Joseph and Allchurch Julia
Marriage on 25 Sep 1890 at Parish Church, Netherton
B 25 Dudley Wood Netherton Joseph Tromans labourer
S 20 Dudley Wood Netherton Joseph Allchurch miner
Witnesses David Wood, Sarah Ann Gallyer?........................................................................Hereiam

TURTON Eliza &Thomas Stokes
"I have a marriage certificate to give to the relevant families of Eliza Turton and/or Thomas Stokes,
married in West Bromwich in 1917. I purchased it, but it is the wrong person with the same name.".....................................eturton

5th May 1875 Dudley - fathers Enoch VAUGHAN/ Thomas WHITEHOUSE............................................ kiansmom


BROOKS, Elizabeth d 4 January 1865 at Cradley Heath, Rowley Regis...........................Hereiam
aged 1 yr, 9 mths, daughter of Ellen Brooks now the wife of Thomas Westwood, liceced victualler
Cause: Cerebritis
Informant: William Homer of Five Ways, Rowley Regis, in attendance

DINSDALE SARAH JANE d 11th March 1956 ..................................................... kiansmom
Friarage hospital North Allerton - aged 76 years Widow of Owen DINSDALE

HALL Isaac d 25 April ....................................................................................Fatman
in Church Bridge Oldbury age 2 of of tabes mesenterica (TB)
Informant was Elizabeth Hall and father s name William Hall (Wheelwright)

HAYNES, Richard, died 23 JULY 1841 at The Coppice, Sedgley Alan_Haynes
age 17 DAYS, son of William Haynes

HAYNES, William, died 25 May 1892 at Brettall Lane, .................................................... Alan_Haynes
Aged 49 years.

HINGLEY Ellen Died 11 May 1887..............................................................Uncle Ben
at Springfield Lane, Rowley Regis, age 63 years, wife of William Hingley

HULL Veronica d 10 November 1951 Hogster
At 72 Delaunays Rd, Crumpsall, Manchester, age 27 , wife of William Anthony

JOHNSON, Sarah Jane d 15 January 1875 ................................................................. Pattiw
wife of Charles Johnson, bricklayer/journeyman of 6 Holloway Place, Portland Street, Aston Birmingham. DOD 27/3/1908 at General Hospital aged 42 years. Registered by Charles Johnson widower of deceased.

PLANT, Emily d 1929 .............................................................................Lavy
Birmingham South - widow of Robert Plant age 79 yrs

STRINGER ,JOSEPH d 14/1/1902.................................................................Dumblond
at Wordsley Workhouse
age 30yrs - Forge Labourer - of Quarry Bank at Wordsley

WILKES ROSE d 20th March 1959....................................................................... kiansmom
102 Burrows St Birchills Walsall - aged 70 widow of Ernest James Wilkes


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