Filed surname additions added to the main surname list.

Moderators: admin, Northern Lass, Rob


Postby Lenny Beaumont » Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:17 am

Hi List
I am researching the BEAUMONT's of YORKSHIRE. I currently have a data base of approx 100,000 Beaumonts and associated family members.
This is purely an hobby/addiction of mine which I do for no financial reward and I offer my services for FREE. I am wanting to bring the Beaumont family lines up to date. So for exchange for your present day Beaumont information, I am happy to provide all the information I have on your ancestors.
The only condition I make is that any information that I provide is not published openly on the internet, other wise it would undermined my research on which I spend a lot of time and money on.
Regrettably because of false promises in the past, the onus is on the enquirer to provide me with information first before I give any in return.
I am fairly well known among Yorkshire Beaumont researchers, so my integrity can easierly be checked out on the various Yorkshire mailing lists
Please email me at [email protected]
Lenny Beaumont
Lenny Beaumont
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:42 pm

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