Stay or not to stay

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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby SRD » Thu Jun 09, 2016 9:58 pm

dudleytaylor wrote:I want out , because the change I have seen in Evesham in the last ten years is beyond belief, we no longer see the Indian and Pakistani family's working in the fields ,they are now Polish . There is a street in Evesham now known has Pole Street. A nurse at my doctors has informed me that they (the surgery ) are overwhelmed by the amount of immigrants they now have , three thousand and rising. This is probably just the beginning ,and I am worried that it will get worse.
I'm the first to agree that our immigration policies are ludicrous, when Indian restaurants are having to employ Bulgarians in their kitchens because our government requires non-EU workers to earn over £30k there has to be something wrong, but why is it that they aren't employing Brits? Why don't British workers want to work hard for £7.20 an hour in a hot kitchen between the hours of 4.00pm and midnight to provide us with inexpensive places to eat?
Why is it that, when we want to find a cleaner, a window cleaner, a gardener there just aren't any Brits prepared to do the work legitimately, OK, they'll take £10 - £15 an hour in cash, do a poor job and regularly fail to turn up, but the legitimate companies, who provide all of the out of work benefits such as sick pay, holiday pay, maternity leave etc, and who pay above minimum wages, can only find immigrants prepared to do the work?
Why is it that our local plant nursery, purveyors to the Royal family for three generations, nearly closed because they couldn't get Brits to work for them, it was only the influx of Polish workers who saved the business?
Why is it that if I go to a local British tradesman such as a plumber or electrician I'm lucky if they're able to come to do work within eight months, and when they do come and I ask them why, given that they're so busy, they don't have trainees working with them they say that they wouldn't want to train anyone because they'll only take their work but if I find a Polish company not only do they arrive within a month, actually work for 8 hours five days a week (rather than 5 - 6 hours, four days a week that their Brit compatriots do) and usually have a lad with them whose learning the business?
And as for their shops, bring them on, the British High Street has been failing for years and to have shops with fresh vegetables, meats, preserves etc. there is a joy.
MrsSRD has many health problems, large numbers of the staff who have looked after her are immigrants, some from Europe, some from further afield. The NHS would collapse without immigrant workers. Farmers, especially in vegetable and fruit production, would go to the wall leaving us with nothing but imported fruit & veg and our landscape looking like the American Prairies.
Our surgery is trying to expand due to the increase in local population, admittedly not too many immigrants, house prices are way too high for their purses, they live in local towns in grotty flats above shops owned by Brit landlords (although we are beginning to see Chinese and Russians buying the properties up), flats that have laid empty for years because no Brit wants to rent them. But the village is expanding with more and more late middle aged, comparatively affluent, middle class people who all want services from Surgeries but there are no young working Brits to provide those services, they won't stay to earn minimum wages doing ordinary jobs.
If we want to have Brits doing all those jobs we have to breed, we need to have a large enough population who are so poor that they will do the horrible jobs for low pay and no prospects simply to survive.
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby SRD » Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:06 pm

Jimmy wrote:SRD I think you are trying to hard to get people to vote your way, no one that I know will vote for in, but the only people I know are working class from the Midlands.
Do I want to get more people to vote my way? No more than you want people to vote your way, and anyway there's not much point in your case if you've already voted. :wink: As for class, my grandfathers worked on the railways, one as a porter, one as a clerk, one grandmother was a housewife from a family of bakers who were failing, the other was an upholsterer and seamstress, both my parents were teachers and I have worked in a variety of jobs from messenger, colour mixer in a serviette printing factory, banana packer in a wholesale market stand, band roadie, shop worker, house keeper & au pair and have spent the last 25 years as full time carer of my disabled wife living on state benefits, savings and an accident insurance pay out, what class does that make me? And what has class to do with whether we're In or Out? Aren't there working class people throughout Europe?
My paternal ancestors were Black Country through & through, and generally Tory in outlook and my maternal ones (apart from a sailor from the Channel Islands) were the product of Sussex Ag Labs and generally Socialist, most of the people in the village we live in are blue card carrying Shire Tories who are all for Out, most of my friends and immediate family (dotted all over the country wherever their lives & careers have taken them) are all for In, this really isn't a decision to be made on whether one is right or left, lower or middle class or where you live, despite all the efforts the politicians and media have made to make it so.
Regarding the building of infrastructure that you've mentioned in earlier posts, whether the UK government does these things is entirely up to the UK government and nothing to do with the EU except that there are often generous grants available from the EU for such projects.
And if we're talking about overpopulation, it's already too late, for years we've not produced sufficient offspring to fund our requirements in old age, the only way we can hope to continue with our current lifestyles is to import people to pay the taxes to fund our expectations.
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby peterd » Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:40 pm

SRD you can go on writing page after page no one will bother to read it as all people want is straight forward point of views

1. the national in figures are a guide as you said but if 655,000 EU enter the country 2/3 are not going to be temp worker and how many will come as temp and stay that figure doesn't included there children

2. the government has no money it our taxes that pay for things so if they take in £1,000 pounds a year per person they cannot carry on spending £2,000 pound a year per person without increasing taxes

3. if you've not got the money to spend on increasing the amount of service to match the amount of people entering then there less money per person to spend on there needs, so if we get 500 new people and take in £500,000 you cannot spend a million to keep the same level of service as you go deeper in debt so there a reduction in service (schools ,hospitals, doctors, dentist, and as jimmy pointed out Prisons)

4. no one saying stop migration, all they want is controlled migration if we need Indian cooks, Canada doctors, polish fruit pickers or electricians then we should able right doctor you can stay polish fruit picker 6 month work visa for harvest season and that the way it should be

5 voting out will give us great boarder control and increase our security, information will still be traded with the EU countries as they need the service of GCHQ the best outside the USA, deal and exchange will be done with Interpol and Europol

6. Money will be saved weather its 350 million a week minus rebate or whatever everyone also forgets the add on's we pay likes of bailout, EU courts fines and judgment that go against us, overruling our court system

7. economy pound might fall but it not too bad at the moment with the threat of an exit as is the stock market ok, pound likely to fall as well as stock but this will come back the markets always do, trade deal will be done as EU won't want tariffs as they will pay probably more to us than we will pay them.

8. if we vote exit it will be 2 years or longer depends when article 50 invoked not much will change we will negotiate a trade deal its in both interest, the other small trade deals through the EU about 50 will be easier to work out if you just give them the same deal

9. in that two years we could also have free trade deals in place with the big commonwealth countries, USA some sort of deal or guide line for business will be put in place as were there biggest investor and there ours businesses need rules

10. we should see more revenue of multi nationals as they will have to pay taxes on money earn in the UK as they wont be able to move it around like they do now

think that enough
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby SRD » Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:50 am

Several of your 'facts' aren't facts but assumptions or optimism.

Regarding temp workers, actually a large number of EU immigrants are temporary, they may return year after year to work on farms, but each time they have to re-register.

Agreed, governments will need to increase taxes to pay for services, that's got nothing to do with In or Out, all the figures show us that immigrants put in more than they take out.

Controlling immigration will have no effect on the numbers that come, they come because there is work here that Brits won'tdo, can't do, or aren't actually there to do in the first place, we have an ageing population that needs the imput of young working families to stay and pay the increased taxes required to support us, either that or we will have to work much longer before retiring, and you try getting a job once you're over 50, have spent your life in an office and are used to a reasonable income.

The greater border security is a moot point, it seems to me that the experts in this field are very divided on the subject. Whilst I agree with you that we have excellent security facilities here they are already teetering on the edge of what's legal, indeed the U.S. uses us because they wouldn't get away with what we do, the EU helps protect our privacy rights, rights that would be over-ridden by an uncontrolled Westminster. And some of the people we get into bed with in the name of security, Saudi Arabia for instance, are the driving forces behind much of the unrest in Africa & the Middle East that is causing the refugee problem in the first place.

Regarding the figures, the £350 million used by the Outers is the gross figure, including all the extras you mention, John Knott, Maggie's Defence Minister and a prominent Outer, made that quite clear in his interview yesterday, the figure I used is that Gross figure less the rebate, less the agricultural subsidies, less all the other regular grants that come our way but do not include the small amounts contributed on an ad hoc basis to such things as local projects.

Your 'facts' regarding the economy aren't facts at all, nobody knows what's going to happen economy wise in the future whether we're In or Out, it's all reliant on modelling by institutions who, though being pretty reliable in long term forecasting (over ten years or more) are making not much more than guesswork over the short term.

And whilst your right that those nations that export large amounts to us will probably be happy to sign up on deals comparatively quickly the EU is made up of several nations who have little trade with us and a EU wide deal may well be stymied by their intransigence. Any deal done with the EU will also involve us being included in the same conditions of free movement of people & goods but we won't have the opt outs we currently enjoy nor the input into deciding those rules that we enjoy within the EU. But there, I'm indulging in 'forecasting' something we have no idea about. Another interesting interview I heard recently from the Finance Minister of Rwanda, a country Britain is very interested in being involved in commercially. The Finance Minister made it quite clear that, whilst he welcomed wholeheartedly any exploitation of their natural resources no deal would be done without massive, subsidised, long term input into their infrastructure such as the Chinese have done in the rest of Africa when they install, free of charge, railway lines, ports power stations etc. We don't have the economic ability to do that.

If you really believe that Multi-national companies will be brought to heel you really are an optimist, they will go where they get the best deal regardless of any laws exactly as they do now. And anyway, we can set our economic rules to deal with that whilst inside the EU, look at Eire & Luxembourg, they have very different tax regimes to ours. It's the EU (not the UK who opposed such actions) that has dragged the likes of Microsoft and Google through the courts to force them to make better contributions to European coffers. And even the EU has to kow-tow to the World Trade Organisation.

There you go, a full list of facts, well, except where I indulged in a little admitted forecasting, and my previous posts about workers rights etc. are also facts that I note you haven't disagreed with.
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby Jimmy » Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:55 am

It's a fact not a assumption that we don't have enough schools, hospitals and housing.
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby peterd » Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:39 am

altered fact to views

once you get a NI number its for life were not having about 480,000 temp worker every year and everyone different year on year out

and it doesn't matter if some are assumptions as we don't know what laws and money increases, fines and EU court judgement are waiting for us if we vote Remain, so anything we can say is an assumptions of what will happen for remain after 23rd June, e.g. EU army, navy, air force, increase budget, more laws, Cameron so called renegotiation ignored,

but one thing will and has to happen its the 19 euro countries integrating further and with qualified majority voting increasing and the veto system declining we will be pulled into ever closer union no matter what Cameron opt out is

its not for me I may be of Europe but I don't feel European, i'm British
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby SRD » Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:20 am

Radio 4 is doing a short programme each day this week at 12 noon about the statistics being thrown around in the campaigns. It's done by the same team who produce 'More or Less' which is usually pretty good at de-bunking statistics on all sorts of topics.
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby peterd » Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:17 am

6 o'clock on the dot we voted to leave now the politicians will have to do what there paid to do, represent the people and stop trying to bully them
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby rockyfowler » Fri Jun 24, 2016 6:26 am

Thank goodness its all over :roll: we can get back to serious things like the Football and our family trees :lol:
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby SRD » Fri Jun 24, 2016 6:43 am

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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby gardener » Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:08 am

rockyfowler wrote:Thank goodness its all over :roll: we can get back to serious things like the Football and our family trees :lol:

Don't mention the football! I could lead to divorce in this household :roll:
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby Rob » Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:21 am

The people have spoken !!! I would have voted to Remain but either way its got rid of Creepy Cameron and lets hope Oily Osborne goes with him.
Now we can get back to the football although the only match where i haven't nodded off,much to the annoyance of my wife,is the Hungary-Portugal match.Exciting in all ways.Good football,plenty of goals and if we're lucky at the end Ronnie Renaldo takes his shirt off !!! What a bod !!!
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby peterd » Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:23 am

rockyfowler wrote:Thank goodness its all over :roll: we can get back to serious things like the Football and our family trees :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby peterd » Fri Jun 24, 2016 9:24 am

gardener wrote:
rockyfowler wrote:Thank goodness its all over :roll: we can get back to serious things like the Football and our family trees :lol:

Don't mention the football! I could lead to divorce in this household :roll:

dont worry we should win that one as well
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Re: Stay or not to stay

Postby sparkstopper » Fri Jun 24, 2016 11:08 am

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