Genealogy software for Mac ?!

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Genealogy software for Mac ?!

Postby Wreck Ferret » Sun Nov 16, 2003 10:55 pm

Hi all,

just getting started and don’t want to make a mistake by getting some naff software, so what programs do you use and why, also what would you steer clear of.

Mac software is preferable !! :lol:

Wreck Ferret
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Postby tlck9 » Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:57 am

I took a look at the follow site:

I've been testing the Renuion 8 software which looks easy to use, comparing it with Family tree v16 for windows I kind of prefer Reunion - just put off by the hefty pricetag
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Re: Genealogy software for Mac ?!

Postby rogerneilson » Wed Nov 09, 2011 8:39 pm

I started using Synium's MacFamilyTree which has a nice look to it and is easy to sue. However the mapping side is not very good and the fact that we were doing almost everything on Ancestry on the web and then having to copy it across became a real time drain. I am awaiting the release of Family Tree Maker for the Mac - due out at the end of this month allegedly. Not cheap, but when I add up what we have spent on the research to date its not a huge proportion. I want a belt and braces where I have both a web and a computer copy and this purports to sync - it also allows use on an Ipad., though with less functionality.

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