Ruby Millicent Smith {NUM1} poss Halesowen, Worc



Ruby Millicent Smith {NUM1} poss Halesowen, Worc


Ruby Millicent Smith {NUM1} poss Halesowen, Worc
Ruby Millicent Smith {Num 1} - unknown year taken

Unknown relations {num 2} - This is the only family grouping picture we found in grandma's pictures. I would presume it has some meaning to her. We are not sure if it is her family. Maybe someone will recognize them?

Ruby and second husband Tom {NUM 3} - Grandma and second husband Tom (our Grandpa) with children Veronica (our aunt) and Paul (our dad) on a family outing in approximately 1949. Veronica would now be about 5 1/5 to 6 years old. Dad looks to be about 1 years old.

Iris & Cyril {NUM 4} - Grandma has many pictures of Iris & Cyril throughout the years. Hoping someone will see these and be able to fill in the connection. Believe they had a son named Andrew.

Ruby, Iris & Andrw {NUM 5} - Grandma had many pictures of herself with this lady named Iris as well as the teenager named Andrew. We have many pictures of Andrew from when he was a baby and as he grew. Many pictures are labelled "to my favourite Auntie in Canada Love Andrew".

Ruby Millicent Smith {NUM 6} - unknown year

1st Marriage certificate {NUM 7} - Grandma's first marriage to William Joseph Lowe on April 6, 1931. We have found no records of what happened to this marriage.
Sun May 15, 2011 8:30 pm


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