Welcome to the Postcards and People section

Do you have an old Postcard that you would like to reunite with its original family? Or maybe just let others know the information on one you own?
If so have a look in this section.

Moderators: admin, Northern Lass

Welcome to the Postcards and People section

Postby Northern Lass » Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:12 am

This Section is to endeavour to perhaps reunite Old Postcards with their original Family


at least let others know, that may connect to that family, that you have an old postcard
that may be of interest to them.

You may not wish to give up the postcard which is fair enuff and your choice
but you may wish to share it with others researching that family line.

So do pop a post in here.

We have already been able to reunite the Postcard from Isabella (Bella) Walker with
one of our members Graham, and that was a great success story.

The people must not be living please so only old postcards and your own.

We can then run with them and see if we can find who they were.
Hopefully the search bots that visit the site, will pick up the thread info and bring interested parties here.
This information will let folk know what their families were doing in a particular place at a particular time in history.
A Snapshot in time.

If anyone has access to Genes Reunited or Ancestry and sees a name that someone else has in their tree
from any thread on here then do let them know about the Postcard, good to share info.


Last bumped by Northern Lass on Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:12 am.
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Northern Lass
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