Bostin Fittle!-From the Black Country

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Bostin Fittle!-From the Black Country

Postby Northern Lass » Sun Oct 12, 2008 6:20 pm

Food for thought?
Well more like "What did yours and my ancestors eat"?

How did they keep hunger at bay , and feed their brood!

Although money was tight for these folk, they survived.
A little went along way and every edible bit of an animal was used and eaten
The food was mostly simple and cheap and probably high in nutritional value.

Meals followed a kinda pattern....

Sunday the Joint
Monday leftovers
Tuesday Broth
Wednesday Boney Pie
Thursday Stew
Friday Faggots or Tripe ...
that is providing there was money to buy a Joint with!

Not much money these Black Country folk but with "hearts as big as buckets", and if the need arose meals would be shared to help a sick neighbour. Always generous with visitors, no knocking on the door lift up the latch and walk in! A pint of home brew for the visitor, brewing was an art form with secret brewin recipes ones that spring to mind are:- Ma Pardoes - the pub in Netherton brewed and still make their own beer on the premises, as does the Beacon hotel in Sedgley, famous for its Ruby mild and the Bull and Bladder in Brierley Hill, home of Bathams Brewery we have some Enville beer brewed with honey,from Enville brewery in Enville near Kinver a light,
sweet beer -a good drink for the summer".

And at Christmas even the poorest table groaned under home cured ham, poultry, plum puddings and other delights! They knew how to make a little go a long way. Most people kept a pig or birds/fowl of some sort. Nothing was wasted from the pig, so we have black pudding, chawl, pork bones,pig's head, and pigs tail. Birds were kept mostly for their eggs. Or fattened up for a special occasion. So most fowl was not eaten until they were quite old hence the name boilers as they were boiled or steamed to make em tender. Although an alternative apparently was to bury the old bird witht the inners in for 24 hrs and when dug up they would be nice and juicy and tender just like a young bird! Don't try that one at home!

Take a butchers at these ideas below and maybe have a go at making them!


about Faggots

Recipe for Faggots
Made with pigs meat.
2lbs.fry (liver, lights, heart etc.) 2 bay leaves
1 medium onion Salt and pepper
1 medium sliced bread Kell (brought with fry and is the stomach lining
Pinch of sage

Method:- Part grill the fry. Boil the onion, mince all ingredients together, including bread and bay leaves. Add seasoning. Shape into balls and wrap in Kell. Cook in a moderate oven, 375 degrees ( Gas 4) for approx 30 mins.
Serve with mushy peas and gravy.
Alternative Faggots and Peas recipe

about Groaty Pudd

Recipe for Groaty
8os groats
stewing beef
large onion
salt and pepper

Soak the groats for 24 hrs. Chop the onion and cut up the beef. Strain the groats and put in a saucepan or stew- jar with the beef and onion and cover with water and add salt and pepper to taste. Bring to the boil and simmer gently till tender. Again the quantity for beef is not a given but abt 4-6 oz. Rich in fibre and low in animal produce.
Alternative Groaty recipe - Click here


Recipe for Gray Pays
8oz grey maple peas (these can be bought from health food shops)
1/2(half) teasp bicarb soda
water to cover
bacon pieces
oxo cube
Method:- Soak peas with bicarb of soda for at least 24 hrs
Fry the bacon pieces. Put into a strainer and pour over boiling water to remove excess fat. Strain peas and put in a pan or stew jar with the bacon and oxo cube, bring to the boil and simmer gently tilll the peas are tender. If liked onion can be added. This cooks beautifully in a slow cooker. Serve with chunks of crusty bread. The quantitly of bacon is not given as that is not a given but abt 4-6 oz.
Alternative Recipe idea

Pigs Trotters Recipe

about Brawn

Recipe for Brains
Take one set per person. They have to be cleaned very thoroughly. Cook in about 1/2 pint of lightly salted water for about 15/20 mins.
Serve with a hard boiled egg chopped and bread and butter


These are the small intestines of a pig
So wash and clean them well,
then they are looped and plaited into a chain
then cooked really slowly in a Cool oven
and serve hot with Onions and Swede or press to be eaten cold


Recipe idea

Let us know the names of dishes eaten - recipes - type of food...
Post under here and I will incorporate into this post.... :wink:

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Northern Lass
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Re: Bostin Fittle!-Black Country Food and Recipes

Postby Northern Lass » Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:58 pm

Revamping this section a tad :grin:

Going to make it more like a Cook book so please post any of your Black Country Recipes and food ideas and I will add them to the main section any ideas on this area let me know


Last bumped by Northern Lass on Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:58 pm.
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Northern Lass
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