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Thomas Knott

PostPosted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 8:16 am
by descartes46
After obtaining 5 different birth certificates to get a positive ID on a mother's maiden name: Nott, Knott, Knox, etc, I finally turned to wedding certificates looking for a match. Which proved more fruitful. I finally found the marriage certificate for my 4-great grandfather Joseph Baker and Ann Knott (m. 14 November 1837 in Kempsey, Worcester). It lists Ann's father as Thomas Knott. There is also a possible baptism record for Ann Knott (in 1815, which lists father as Thomas Knott and a mother Mary).

With a name like Knott (Nott, Nox) it is making finding records very difficult indeed. To date I haven't been able to find any details at all about Thomas that match the criteria of location, date, not a single likely baptism or wedding. Could somebody advise if there is a paid service please that is able to help with brickwalls, as I've spent a small fortune using the National GRO service and ordering a number of records which turned out to be the wrong people. If I'm able to find some details about Thomas Knott and his wife and life stats, I'd be happy to end my research there, as I mainly focus on my Baker lineage, but I don't like having blanks in the family tree!

Many thanks,