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Powick Lunatic Asylum, Worcestershire

PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 6:27 pm
by Dig
Hi all,

I have discovered that my great-great grandmother died at Powick Lunatic Asylum but I am unable to find out where she is buried. Her details are as follows.

Name: Elizabeth Cooper
Born: 1872, Oldbury, Worcestershire
Married: George Cooper, 1891
Lived: Oldbury
Died: Powick Lunatic Asylum, 6 February 1919

I have already seen the patient case notes which are on the Worcester Medical Museums website but would be interested in any other records you can locate regarding her time at the hospital and/or burial.

I understand that the hospital had its own burial ground and that the records for this are kept by Worcestershire Archives. Unfortuately, even though the event was over 100 years ago, I have to go therough a right palaver to get someone to search them for me.

Any expertise you may be able to provide will be greatly appreciated!
